Lithography on synthetic support and drypoint on plexiglass 2016
The workshop aimed at the study of the press through the combination of lithography and drypoint on plexiglass. It is aimed at both those who have no experience in the field of engraving, both engravers experts.
Lithography on the polyester support is a process that leaves much room for the use of design and photography. This procedure using the basic principle of lithography: water and grease repel, have new media, a matrix of polyester on which to draw with different materials from ballpoint pens to other fats, the transfer of black and white prints.
The use of a second matrix with signs produced with the dry point on Plexiglas, allows to experience interesting effects.

Gianna Bentivenga, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. Since 1997 he began to devote himself to engraving. In 2006 he obtained a study to Kunsthaus Tacheles in Berlin where he will remain for a few months and will allow her to get in touch with many artists from around the world for a meaningful comparison in the field of art. In 2013 constitutes the cultural association INSIGNA where periodically organizes workshops aimed at disseminating the graphic art in all its aspects and also to the artist’s book typography. She has participated in several national and international events artisctiche.
She currently lives and works in Rome.

Nata a Stigliano (Matera) nel 1973, si trasferisce nel 1991 a Roma per frequentare l’Accademia di Belle Arti, dove si diploma nel 1995 sotto la guida di Duilio Rossoni con cui collaborerà negli anni successivi.
L’amore per il segno grafico, che nella sua ricerca trova forma nel puro disegno e nell’incisione calcografica, la porta a lavorare con determinazione fin dai tempi degli studi in accademia.
Le sue incisioni e i libri d’artista sono esposti in Italia e all’estero e fanno parte di collezioni tra cui l’Albertina di Vienna e l’Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica di Roma.
È socio fondatore dell’Associazione InSigna di Roma, che si occupa della divulgazione e realizzazione di Libri d’Artista e Grafica d’Arte e fa parte del direttivo dell’Associazione Incisori Contemporanei.
Maria Pina Bentivenga è un’artista che ha fatto della grafica d’arte e del disegno il suo luogo privilegiato d’indagine, affiancato, in specifici periodi del suo percorso, dalla pittura.
Vive e lavora a Roma dove dal 2000 insegna Tecniche grafiche Speciali e Grafica d’Arte presso la RUFA (Rome University of Fine Arts) e dal 2010 insegna Tecniche dell’Incisione presso la Scuola d’Arti Ornamentali del Comune di Roma San Giacomo.
Tiene workshop specialistici d’incisione, sul letterpress e sul Libro d’artista.
- This workshop is suitable for beginners and experienced printmakers
- Language: English-Italian
- 2 and 1/2 day workshop 22-24 July 2016
- Location: Castle of Montefiore
- Timetable: Friday 14-18, Saturday and Sunday 10-13 / 14-18
- Cost: Euro 175 (concessions: students and under 26, euro 150)
- Materials and tools necessary for the workshops are included in the cost of the course and will be provided for each participant.
General information
- participants should bring their own drawing equipment and suitable clothing to work comfortably.
- Usually at lunch time we eat together in the park nearby the castle. Everyone brings their own food; water and wine are always available for everyone.
- A certificate of attendance will be awarded at the end of the course.
- There is a limit of 10 places per workshop
- 5 participants are needed for the course to operate
- If the course has insufficient participants to run, those already enrolled will receive a full refund of the amount they paid at registration.
- Participants who have registered but find they can no longer attend will be refunded half the registration fee providing they notify us at least 20 days before the course commences.
- Early registration is recommended in order to secure not only a place on the course but also accommodation in Montefiore Conca.